more dirt
This year, we joined my extended family at Dinkey Creek. Since I am awesome and planned my maternity leave to occur over the summer, I was able to camp the whole time! By now, Lucie is a pro at camping. At Dinkey Creek, we even braved tent sleeping with her. No problem!
The creek at Dinkey Creek is not dinkey at all. We took rafts down some pretty awesome rapids just behind our campsite. Here is Jonah taking the plunge:
Joel and then Krista shooting the rapids:
After we all braved the rapids, we made sure to take some time relaxing along the shore too.
Sophie, Trav, and Lucie:
Lucie and Dad (see, she's a camping pro):
And cousins galore:
And when we got tired from all the rafting and relaxing, we took a nap:
Man, is this girl a good camper or what?!
Dinkey Creek is spectacularly beautiful. We went to a couple different water holes. At one place, we all jumped off a huge rock into the pools. Even Ollie! He didn't think twice! Anne, Jonah, Megan, Trav and I found our way to an even bigger rock to jump off down the river. Even though I knew it was safe (well, safe enough) my stomach dropped every time I stepped off that ledge.
The highlight of the trip for Travis was riding around on Mark's motorcycle. He officially is hooked on motorcycles and looked up bikes to buy online as soon as he got home. Bear in mind that he rode a max of 15 mph since he stayed in the campground on his motorcycle adventure...
Of course at night, we had wonderful meals, lots of wine (you have to have wine while camping!), funny stories and good songs around the campfire.
Anne and Lucie and her little lantern: It's so little!
Graunt Betsy telling Lucie ghost stories:
Summer is awesome!